Squirrel Repellent and Baffle

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Squirrel Repellent and Baffle Overview

Anyone who enjoys the sight of birds pecking away at a bird feeder knows how annoying squirrels can get. They scare away the birds, tear up your feeder, and eat all the food. Meanwhile, the colourful birds with the pleasant songs are run off.

If this sounds like your recent attempts to commune with your feathered friends, then you need to check out the Squirrel Baffle by Woodlink.

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Squirrel Repellent and Baffle Review

While the Squirrel Baffle looks simply, it is incredibly effective. The Baffle’s cone shape creates an challenging obstacle for squirrels to get around in order to access your bird seeds.

Should a squirrel manage to climb up on top, the Baffle is sloped in such a way that the squirrel will continually slide off, causing the little scamp no end of confusion. In this regard, the Baffle really lives up to its name!

Squirrel Baffle Squirrel RepellentTo use the Baffle, simply wrap it around the pole that your feeder is attached to. Try to put it up as high as possible, to make sure that the squirrel cannot simply jump up over it from the ground. The manufacturer recommends between 4 and 5 feet off the ground in order to guarantee that the Baffle will work correctly. For the same reason, make sure you keep the area around your feeder clear of anything which could be used as a jump off point.

This squirrel repeller has a neat design, which allows it to snap on and off a pole without forcing you to remove the bird feeder. Setting it up takes a matter of seconds and, because it is a physical deterrent, the Baffle is immediately effective. It causes no problem for the birds that want to come and feed and will leave them feeling much safer in your yard.

The Baffle also causes no harm to squirrels but it certainly confuses them and can create much entertainment as squirrels continue to challenge the device.

Should you have a hanging feeder, rather than one on a pole, the Squirrel Baffle can be placed over the top of the feeder. This will stop any crafty squirrels that try to approach it overhead. Depending upon your set up and feeder placement, you may want to consider adding 2 Baffles, one above and another below to round out your squirrel repelling capabilities.

With hundreds of happy customers giving feedback the Squirrel Baffle is proven to work. Only a few people report being disappointed, but place the blame on the tenacity of their local squirrels, rather than anything wrong with the Baffle itself.

The Baffle is made of textured powder coated steel, making it incredibly durable and weather resistant. While cheaper devices are on the market, they are usually made of plastic which is not a problem for the sharp teeth of a squirrel.

Squirrel Repellent and Baffle Conclusion

If squirrels are interrupting your bird watching and feeding enjoyment, then it’s time to baffle your squirrels with the Squirrel Baffle. By keeping things simple, both in the design and in the set-up, this squirrel repeller produces great results with the smallest amount of effort.

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