What Kills Ants Instantly?

What Kills Ants Instantly

We all know how ants can be frustrating. This is especially when you see them crawling after your food you just placed for only 3 minutes.

But before you start thinking of starting World War III with these ants, it would be best to know how to kill them instantly WITHOUT using harmful chemicals.

These Methods Might Satisfy You:

  • Use Dish Soap

The answer is pretty simple. You don’t have to go out of your way and purchase some chemical-based repellent – use dish soap and water. It’s pretty easy to do as well. Just fill the water bottle up.

Ideally, you should divide it into two parts. For the first part, use dish soap while the other half is water. Mix it up by shaking it properly for a good minute.

Then you basically have the best ant-killing machine anyone can ever come up with within just a matter of minute.

You can follow what I usually do. I’d get crumbs of food and wait for them to come and feast over it. I would automatically spray my ant-killing weapon over them.

It doesn’t take long before they stop and suffocate to death. After you’ve successfully killed them, you may wipe it off with damp cloth.

I’m a huge fan of this method. However, it’s not a good enough method to kill an entire colony. I would suggest this trick for killing groups of ants. But in the long run, you might want to check out the REAL source of the problem.

The good news is that if you’re dealing with more than just ants at home, you can use it other insects as well. I’ve been using it on roaches, and they have been a marvel.

  • White Vinegar and Its Wonders

The white vinegar you have been using as an ingredient for you cooking, could be the instant fix you’ve been looking for. Apparently, hates have a strong sense of dislike when it comes to vinegar.

It mostly has something to do with its STRONG scent. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on this one. Heck, if anything, this comes as one of the cheapest solution to date.

You can try by mixing it up together. Go for a 50/50 combination. Ideally, for your convenience, place it in a spray bottle. By putting it in contact directly with the victims – I mean ants – it automatically kills them upon reaching them.

To keep your kitchen or home clean, automatically wipe them off after use. You ought to use a damp towel in order to get rid of their dead bodies before they turn into zombies. (Kidding.)

Also, this trick covers a lot of areas. You can use this mixture as a deterrent. Yup, you can use it on your windowsills or basically where the entrance of the ants usually is.

Personally, I have grown to using them as a solution to clean up floors and desks. It has helped in making a barrier between countertops and ants. I’ve also noticed that they aren’t keen of going to these vinegar-induces areas.

Don’t worry though, you don’t have to suffer from its smell. It automatically does away once it has dries, making it an ideal household cleaner.

Wrapping It UP!

Don’t get guns and bombs just to kill ants – nor do you have to purchase chemicals to kill them – there are quick solutions you can find at the comfort of your own home.

Of course, getting a flamethrower is out of the picture. They are easy to kill, that’s for sure. Just do it in the best method as possible.

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